Welcome !
Hello, this is my first design, I called it blue sky because of the colors I used. It is 100% compliant with XHTML 1.0 Strict and does not contain any tables. I also tried to use relative metrics everywhere, so the layout should be very flexible (scaling, resizing, font sizes, etc.). Further, I also included three different stylesheets (print layout, handheld, larger fonts). I would be very happy about some feedback! - Jonas John

The source code (HTML and CSS) should be tidy and easy to to customize. I tested the design successfully in Mozilla Firefox 1.5, Opera 9.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0. You can download it for free at www.php-s.ru web site.
Feel the fresh air
Feel free to use this template for any purpose you wish (personal, commercial, ...).
Grab it!
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The stock photos used above are taken by myself and can be fully downloaded at photocase.com.